the World
Lacking in all collections
Eastern Hemisphere only
Nova et integra universi Orbis descriptio.
Antwerp?, 1603
Stock#: 19149
America and the Pacific
extremely rare early color
Americae sive Novi Orbis, Nova descriptio
Basle, 1588
Stock#: 19211
the Pacific
Unobtainable second state
With Tasman results
MAR del ZUR Hispanis Mare Pacificum
Amsterdam, 1650
Stock#: 18920
the Southern Hemisphere
the first map of the Southland
first state
Chica sive Patagonica et Australis Terra
Louvain, 1597
Stock#: 19000
First edition first state
Attractive original color
Stock#: 18917
Nova Reperta title page
iconic print
exceptionally rare
Antwerp, 1588
Stock#: 19569
Stock#: 19064
Stock#: 18641
the South Pacific
Mar del Zur [Untitled]
Leiden, 1619
Stock#: 19285
South Pole
Rare first state
Polus Antarcticus
Amsterdam, 1637
Stock#: 19303
South America
Lacking in every collection
Pascaerte vande Straet van MAGALAEN Synde 't Suydlyckste gedeelte van America
Amsterdam, 1666
Stock#: 19309
an armillary sphere
1525 first edition
[ Armillary sphere with wind heads ]
Strassburg, 1525
Stock#: 19042